"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Monday, January 12, 2009

Aussie Wine Dinner 1/29/09

On Thursday Jan 29th We will be having our first ever Australian Wine dinner, It will consist of six courses all with a twist on Australian cuisine. Studying for this menu was a ton a fun, being that Australia a fairly new culture in the overall scheme of things has a pretty diverse cuisine with influences from Europe and Asia as well as some of the best ingredients known to man. there will be twists on dishes using Aussie ingredients , and Aussie dishes using local farm fresh produce . At only $49.95 per ticket i don't know how anyone could go wrong ..i will post pictures of the event.The wine dinner was solely put together by our bar manager Michael walker and I'm sure this will be the first of many that he will showcase.

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