Ive been on a pickling and corning kick for the past few weeks , so this post kinda just rolls with what has been going on...I knew back in December that come spring i was gonna due a corned lamb dish ... Now the contents of the final product is a true example of how a chefs mind works... I due sometimes over think recipes and ideas , but i do so to push my brain to think of every alternate path an idea could lead down and dismiss what i find at the time to be impractical..so I think lamb in spring i think strawberry and Rhubarb .. why??? i don't know why . .. when i think Corned lamb = i think corned beef witch makes me think of cabbage and Reuben sandwiches... so i wanted to find away to mimic the flavors of a Reuben sandwich and still bring in the strawberry and rhubarb on subtle savory notes.. the lamb is corned for 48 hours,rinsed ,dried and rubbed with pastrami spices... instead of sauerkraut i made a rhubarb kraut , a little sweeter then cabbage but with all the same attributes its served on top of a Gruyere potato cake,with rye crisps and the sauce is a strawberry & cornichon "thousand island"
every element of this dish is stella on its own and when put together .... its a Reuben!!
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