"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So What Is Next??

I've been receiving allot of e-mails and feed back from people as more and more of the regulars find out that we are no more. I picked up my last check and last few of my personal belongings today. I brought my wife and kids , just as i did on those very secretive meetings me and MR. MCKEAG had over what seemed to be a 6 month job interview. I like my wife to see what to be involved in my decision to start a job. She is after all an extension of me , and my best friend. Not to mention that she knows me way better than i ever will. As i walked around to the back of the restaurant, seeing the open signs pulled away out back . A grim sadness came over me. I think it was the first time, the reality of no more crane brook sank in. I approached the ever so familiar entrance to my kitchen with a tear in my eye , and pulled the door open to the disarray of emptiness and dishes stacked for sale . I walked in and started thinking about how we didn't fail. Instead Our chapter has run out of words.. Just like the owners before us it was just time.. The building is beautiful, the ambiance was magical.... And i must admit, I am proud to be the last chef to finish the lineage of famous chefs and cooks that had the privilege to walk in the same foot steps of there predecessors. I walked up the stairs to the office and standing in the same location he was when i had first met him MR. MCKEAG stood with the same warm welcome he had given me every (almost) morning since we had met.. I told him how grateful me and Sarah were that he gave this opportunity. I grew more as a man and a student of life under his tutoring .. And it's solely because of him that i am where i am as a chef.. Because he believed in me , even when i had a hard time believing me... That being said i left with my belongings and headed back to the car. It was not good bye , but more like until we meet again! .. I 've been interviewing positions all over MA, I've gotten some real strong hits and interests ..i am expecting to know something soon.. and as soon as i do everyone will hear about hit..

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