"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week IN Review!!

I just completed my first week at the Winsor House. The potential this place has is mind blowing. It has three points of revenue with a possible forth. It has a great pub crowd and atmosphere. Two beautiful dinning rooms , that maintain a casual sleek motif perfect for fine dinning.They also have the Inn , upstairs which has had tenants since i started. The forth thing is functions, being such a spacious building its easy. My goals are to increase the volume in these four areas. By trying to establish them all as separate entities. I've begun working on a new menu that will be geared more towards autumn. The menu as of now is chalked full of shortcuts and pre-made food that i could never serve to people, And it's all sort of meshed together . They have a pub menu on the same page as there entrees menu, which has a few almost dinnerish plates on it . This explains why i did not see a single entree until my forth day. Instead of ordering a lamb rack for $28 people just order a beef lomein for $14. With the recession and all if we offer people a easy way out they will take it. I'm working on a Actual pub menu , no entrees . Just sleek tapas style apps. so people are not deterred from ordering dinner. I'm really excited about doing a bit more relaxed version of my cuisine. UPSCALE PUB GRUB if you will. We will also be doing a food and wine dinner series and I'm working on bringing brunch to the Winsor House. Its gonna be allot of work, but im up for the challenge.

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