"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Thursday, December 25, 2008


What a wonderful day it has been, watching the joy on Noah's face as he opened his gifts and by gifts I'm talking about half an isle at a toys r' us worth ..its been peaceful... and relaxing ..i got more than i could ever imagine in gifts and i am very grateful. The restaurant was open until 8 pm. last night and people loved the whimsy menu .unfortunately i didn't take any pictures but Paulo came by in the middle of service and snapped a few. The New Years eve menu and our Australian food and wine dinner is next on my list and I'm realey excited at the ideas i got for both...new years will have allot of playing around with classics like my version of steak " Oscar" with spruce roasted bacon wrapped fillet , saffron Bearnaise , white asparagus, and king crab ..or a lobster 2x a shelled lobster stuffed into another lobster, Meyer lemon butter, persillade, Parisian potato...need i say more. have a great, safe, and happy holiday!

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