"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Monday, February 16, 2009


Our valentines fiasco started Thursday lunch and did not end until Sunday dinner...me and my crew put up the fight of a life time and were not defeated...after 3 consecutive 14+ hour days and on as little as 3 hrs sleep ...believe me when i tell you we needed to rest today...the amount of food that left our kitchen was massive...and it went out with out a hitch.....the food was great and it was a ton of fun...now I'm looking forward to upcoming events ..spring menu is slowly creeping up...and starting tomorrow we will be doing a 3 course dinner every day for 20 bucks in celebration of our five year anniversary.with lobster,prime rib,and such as options so come out enjoy some great food and great people!!

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