"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hope everybody has a safe and happy forth of July! It's a much needed break for me. The last month or so has been a emotional roller coster. But just like my favorite Freddy Mercury line
"THE SHOW MUST GO OWN" its kind of a powerful burst of inspiration that i mumble to self at times.... There been allot of emotion in the kitchen as of late , and my constant aggravation has led me to be not only on edge , but a bit mean at times ... I try to tell people that every mistake that happens in our kitchen ( and there ain't many..) isn't a reflection of them and there skill ., It's a reflection of me As a chef... So i take carelessness personal. the diner isn't gonna be served a salad that is missing two ingredients and say "oh , the salad guy is having a off day" ..there gonna say "this guy is supposed to be a great chef, why is there inadequate people in his kitchen" .. They need to know that I'm only as good as my worst cook.... Every thing has a way of working out in the end..

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