"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin
Monday, September 29, 2008
Now where to run.. to tired to hide
So the menu is done and for the last week I've been implementing it..trying to figure out short cuts and line schematics..but all in all i am proud of my kitchen and the overall product. even though i am pretty sure the owner is slipping farther into a well of "crazy"... he keeps comparing our small ass kitchen to these hotels and wanting to start selling fruit pies that he picks up from SAM'S CLUB ...or doing dinners starting at $12.95 ..he wants to create a situation where a tobacco chewing redneck with his incestuous wife/sister/cousin combo can be splitting a $12.95 meal while the elderly couple at the table right beside them is eating foie drinking dom....in the restaurant business its very important to maintain your integrity and your ability to be unique.you don't want to seem desperate and you don't want to run so much shit that your fucked IE. dinner for 2 ,brunch buffet, Italian night every Wednesday, wine tasting ,dinner with don on top of the 5 menus.. come on gimme a break "hey whats today???...isn't it two dollar taco Tuesday at the crane brook??" ....Thursday from 5:00 -5:30 all you can eat Dim Sum ...Last Night was dead at the crane brook we had a really kick ass brunch then it died we were all done at 7:15 then i decided to get shitty drunk so me,Sarah,Kim and mike went to mikes local watering hole it was fun..Except when i called Mike stupid lol he kept saying all slurred 'DON'T SAY THAT MAN..JUST DONT..DONT.....DO IT'...Im sorry i did not mean to call you stupid lol.there was this cat there that was a cook at Lindsey's i thought it was cool to see some one else who does what we do , end up in the same spot as me....on a side note when i drink my dreams are always crazy its like a culinary battle royale.... I'm thinking tobacco smoked lambs lung, figgy pudding, chlorophyll jus , raw carrot , and quince. or a Cesar salad soup or better yet a chicken noodle soup defined with agar agar in three stages .one stage to clarify a rich stock with gelification , then take some of the original stock gel it then cube to match your cut veg. then stage 3 when you got to give it to the customer hand them a squirt bottle of cooked chicken pureed with agar so they can make instant noodles Alla Wylie Dufresne by squeezing the mix into the hot see through liquid.....ah the power of bud light
Friday, September 19, 2008
Meet my better half
Enough about me , lets talk about my family.this is Sarah my wife and best friend and overall greatest moral support a man has ever had.we have on son (11 MONTHS) and one on the way in january both boys .And i also have a 3yr.old son That im going to court to try to get visitation rights and joint guardianship from his piece for a mother...anyways there my everything...and my reason for getting out of bed every day...
Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunny Saturdays

Fairly decent day today, my meat cook has been out all weekend with herpes of the rib cage...
we pulled off to realy strong days of cooking, with a wedding and brunch function, so with that im stoked... my cousin got married and i was'nt there but,did i realy want to go?? i dont feel it inside ...when it comes to my biological family inside im ice cold...all of them all of my blood..i have know interest in anybodies life,..,"do your thing".. just do it with out me....they never realy did nothing to me...it was'nt like my family beat and raped me...i was just butchered inside by all of the fun stuff the world did to me...,and they did't give 1 shit about me....screw you all...and back to workfor a second ...there is this ladie at my restaraunt that im hating more and more each day...she acts like shessome kind of manager...everyone is afraid of her...not me stay the fuck out of my kitchen...if youy can stand around and stare at me. then you can run food for someone other than yourself......get over yourself....on a bright note fall menu ideas that i ran for saturday speaicals went realy good .im excited as shit to switch the menu ,even though im hearing alot of shit from mthe owner about having to pay people on the day of the new tasting witch is plANNED FOR 9-22... fuckit ill cook the whole thing by myself.....LETS HOPE TOMMORROW IS GREAT...GO PATS!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
ThE rEaSonS ArE sImPlE
Just another day in the kitchen...have you ever had one of those days where you got the uncontrollable earge to just cry, Or better yet Knock your Sous Chefs Teeth clean out his mouth ?? well that was today for me...everything was great all prep was done well before service . My poisonnier was sick so i had a little bit of catch up ,but not much..then my favorite time of day that i only see once in a while 'DOWN TIME' the time i get to work on my menu, the nights speacials ,or ordering. see i utilize these very sacred moments...,but what does my sous do
he sneaks liquor.what a freaking idiot I would of fired his ass long ago If i did'nt beleive in him.. But theres only so much you can do for someone before you gotta be like fuck it...and that day is coming quicker than i imagined.
twice is a ch...cut the shit!

Some times after everything is said and done and what littlebit of my sanity is left, all that i have other than my family is my love for new england sports. my little get away. After having cooked for some of mine and my fathers heroes and being a fan since i could crawl...i kinda find myself in this depressive funk .First tom brady,now the redsox cockteasing me with a chance to take the helm on top of the A.L east.. jesus someone give a break....aahhhh on a bright note it was sarahs mothers birthday today so the whole family (i.e sarah's family) who i love dearly went out to celebrate. A nice meal , great conversation ..Sarah's lil sister made the coolest fondant tootsie roll cake. It was bad ass .Noah was an angel other than the bread plate he smashed..lol All in All a perfect day off, if only the sox could of pulled it off for me. theres always tommorrow. on another note my fall menu is almost complete...im hoping to have my dinner for two menu and bar menuy by friday with my lunch, dinner, and dessert menu done by the following tuesaday.Im stoked...CANT WAIT FOR THE LIQUID NITROGEN
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It seems like yesterday i was a kid ,no worries... no yearning to provide ....oh those care free days watching foodnetwork in its infantility and gourmet chefs of the world on the travel channel.those tiny moments in time that would later define me as a man. Im a libra ,a 27 year old self taught chef from the south coast of new england and this is my blog a digital diary of my day to day rambles,thoughts,ideas,and feelings...helpful to some...ummmm not so much.But therraputic as fuck for me and just about anyone else that has ever devoted the time and passion to this craft that at times takes you away from all that you love...my 2 sons and my third on the way,and my wonderful wife ...so welcome to the tangled web that ihave woven......
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