Some times after everything is said and done and what littlebit of my sanity is left, all that i have other than my family is my love for new england sports. my little get away. After having cooked for some of mine and my fathers heroes and being a fan since i could crawl...i kinda find myself in this depressive funk .First tom brady,now the redsox cockteasing me with a chance to take the helm on top of the A.L east.. jesus someone give a break....aahhhh on a bright note it was sarahs mothers birthday today so the whole family (i.e sarah's family) who i love dearly went out to celebrate. A nice meal , great conversation ..Sarah's lil sister made the coolest fondant tootsie roll cake. It was bad ass .Noah was an angel other than the bread plate he smashed..lol All in All a perfect day off, if only the sox could of pulled it off for me. theres always tommorrow. on another note my fall menu is almost complete...im hoping to have my dinner for two menu and bar menuy by friday with my lunch, dinner, and dessert menu done by the following tuesaday.Im stoked...CANT WAIT FOR THE LIQUID NITROGEN
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