"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It seems like yesterday i was a kid ,no worries... no yearning to provide ....oh those care free days watching foodnetwork in its infantility and gourmet chefs of the world on the travel channel.those tiny moments in time that would later define me as a man. Im a libra ,a 27 year old self taught chef from the south coast of new england and this is my blog a digital diary of my day to day rambles,thoughts,ideas,and feelings...helpful to some...ummmm not so much.But therraputic as fuck for me and just about anyone else that has ever devoted the time and passion to this craft that at times takes you away from all that you love...my 2 sons and my third on the way,and my wonderful wife ...so welcome to the tangled web that ihave woven......

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