"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Birthday Boy!!

Today is my birthday...and I'm 28!! funny story last night i came home at the crack of midnight and my wife was waiting at the door "happy birthday baby" she said... i chuckled confusingly " thanks , but my birthday isn't until Thursday it's only Tuesday night" her response was quick and to the point " It Say's it's the 14Th on the computer calendar" ....yup , i had know idea that it was birthday. The days have been blurring , my brain packed to the brim with ideas and solutions. We launched the new menu on Friday night in a rushed attempt to try to get my sous chef familiar with my vision before he goes on vacation . The first night was a bit of a scramble , but Saturday we were all sat down. I'm still working out all the kinks, Prep guides, Inventory spreads sheets and so on.. I'm getting some awesome feedback on the cuisine. Like always I'm looking to do more... Wine dinners, events, The website updated and so on. The fact that we are only open dinner in this unpredictable recession, makes it hard to generate additional funds to advertise or campaign new endeavours. So we are trying to find new outlets. This is something i find sort of familiar with older establishments. We have are core group of regulars, but to get the rest of the locals re-interested is not an easy feat. they almost take you for granted. Our restaurant should not be taken for granted . The ambiance and sheer aura of this place is magical in my eyes.

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