"The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, Than the
discovery of a new star" - Brillat Savarin

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

PB & J Creme Brulee

1 Qt Heavy Cream
1 cup Sugar
1 tbsp. Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 Cups Creamy Peanut Butter
1 tbsp. Honey
10 Egg Yolks
10 oz. Raspberry Jam
Pre-heat oven to 350, Separate all of your egg yolks from the whites ( save the whites) place in a mixing bowl set on top of towel, so the bowl wont move. Add 1/2 the sugar and whisk together. Until light, and smooth in consistency. In a 2 qt sauce pan over medium heat bring cream,vanilla, peanut butter, honey and the rest of the sugar to a light simmer, stirring constantly to prevent scolding. when the cream mixture is fully incorporated and bubbling a bit on the sides pull off the heat.(make sure you stand near while cooking your creme in a second it will rise and flow over if this happens your creme is burnt) slowly ladle your cream mixture into your egg mixture one ladle at a time stirring vigorously between ladels about a minute a ladle. If you go to quick you'll have scrambled eggs. when all is incorporated strain into a second bowl or container to make sure your base is the same consistency through and through.
take 8 6 oz ramekins or what ever your setting your custard in add one tbsp. raspberry jam. tap the bottom so it spreads evenly. Pour in your cream mixture to right before the top . place in a hotel, roasting or casserole pan and fill with water about 3/4 the way up the brulee's place uncovered in the oven for 50 minutes. To check if they are done jiggle the pan slightly the center of the creme brulee should move slightly and bounce back to it's original position. place on a cooling rack for one hour to set and refrigerate at least one hour before serving. to serve sprinkle with cane sugar, and using a propane torch held 7 inches from the top move it around until the sugar melts a perfect caramel over the top sprinkle with powdered sugar and voilla!
** This mixture also makes a mean ice cream
if you don't posses a torch, eat it as a custard the results are still very satisfying

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just thinking about this dish, gives me a culinary "O" if you know what I mean...